
One of my most favorite things to do is pick out a new toothbrush. It never seizes to amaze me how many different options of toothbrushes there are to choose from. From the size, to the colors, and from the bristle strength to the bristle shape. Some toothbrushes now have motors, some have a regular plastic handle. Nonetheless, the process of choosing the right brush matters.
When I was younger, I always wanted a toothbrush that had rock hard bristles. I felt like the harder the bristle, the better the toothbrush would actually clean my teeth. I also brushed really hard to try to get every last bit of build up off my teeth. In fact, my dentist actually told me that I shouldn’t be brushing so hard and that brushing hard actually does the opposite of a good cleaning. He told me brushing harder is not doing the job I think it is doing. It wasn’t until I cleaned my golf clubs with a toothbrush that I finally believed the advice of my dentist.

When you’re cleaning mud, dirt, and grime out of the grooves of a golf club with a toothbrush, it’s actually ineffective to scrub hard. The reason being, from what I have learned, is that the tips of the bristles (the very thing that is meant to do the cleaning) actually lie down the harder they are pressed. So, you’re left with the sides of the bristles to do work that they were not intended to be doing. You don’t see the grime begin to disappear until you gently scrub the face of the club. Then and only then will the tips of the bristles be making contact with the residue build up and work to remove it.

Therefore, when it comes to the mindset I have for brushing my own teeth, I constantly refer back to the golf club example. I know no matter how hard I brush, my teeth are not getting as clean as they could be if instead I gently brushed them. This is especially true when it comes to brushing between my teeth. The main reason we need to floss is because as the bristles hit the gaps, they lie down and the side of the bristle is what is making contact with the build up. And as we previously discussed, the side of the bristle is no good when it comes to cleaning our teeth.

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